Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Latest Handspun

Superwash Corriedale. 312 yards 2-ply. Spunky Eclectic
Hey, this is the September 2011 shipment. I'm never going to catch up!

Spinning Wheel

by Neva Flores
Come twist my weave with your spinning wheel
Bend my twine into your making
Hold closely to your heart, that which you feel
When you take on
This undertaking

Spin my beautiful colors into a yarn of your choice
With your lovely spindle
I watch you spinning round, listening to your voice
As I become
Elegantly detailed

Remember, as you twist my weave, to always
Keep one hand free
One to hold your distaff far away
The other, to spin your love
Into me

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'll comment on my own blog entry given the fact that no one else does. I like the colors of this handspun and hope plan to use the two skeins for socks.


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