I've been knitting for 37 years now. I've knitted socks, hats, mittens, scarves, shawls, sweaters, vests, washcloths, ornaments, and tea cozies, but I've NEVER attempted to knit any sort of gloves. The idea of knitting all those fingers one after another just seemed too finicky for me. Besides, don't fingers stay warmer inside mittens?
This fall, however, I've been eyeing a lovely pair of gloves on display at Marji's Yarncrafts (knit by Marji herself). They're from Noro's book Mini Knits - "Design #27" The pattern calls for just one skein of Noro Silk Garden Lite. I bought the book and one skein of yarn, drove home, and cast on.
I was sure that I would make one pair, but ONLY one pair. All those fingers...all those yarn ends to weave in...one pair would be enough.
Imagine my surprise and delight, then, when I finished the first pair in one evening! The pattern was easily memorized, my size 5 Addi Turbos were smooth as silk, and the colors of the Noro yarn were constantly changing in lovely, subtle ways.
So, one pair was just the beginning. I'm now working on the 7th pair of gloves! I can finish a pair in two evenings. The only problem I have with the pattern is that it claims to require just one skein of Silk Garden Lite, but I've found that I run out of yarn just as I'm starting the second pinky finger. So I buy two balls of each colorway.
Guess what a lot of friends and family are getting for Christmas this year???